Hernán has been working on his healthy plate!!, yummy!!!💕
Lucas Velarde loved the numbers poem!!, lovely to see you Lucas!!💚
Inés sends her picture showing her bookmarks..thank you sweetie!💚
Maura has done a really cool dragon!
And here comes Gael again, this time he's showing his dragon design, I bet you liked it!!
Today, Martina, from 5 years B, shows her cool dragon and door book marker design..brilliant work!
Here is Simon, 5 years A, proudly showing his drawing for Sierrallana, thank you sooo much!💚
Hernán, 5 years A, also sends his bunny!, thank youuuu!!!😍
Today, Daniel Sanches, 5 years A, send us his Easter crafts, great job Daniel!!!😍
Here are Emma, 5 years A, and her sister Daniela, showing their cute drawings!💚💚
Here it is Mauro, 5 years B!, thank youuuuu!!!💚
El primero ha sido Gael, de 5 años B, I love your drawing!💚
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